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The Producer

As a low-level associate producer for a big-name news station, Rochelle's job mostly consisted of lugging cables and fetching coffee. But when the outbreak hit and staff started calling in sick, Rochelle got her break: producing a segment from Savannah about the evacuation center located there. She was still setting up the cameras when her big story became a war zone.

But that doesn't mean she's letting go of her dream job yet. Surviving a zombie apocalypse is just something else she can use her wits and drive to produce the hell out of.


Rochelle had the most significant changes during Left 4 Dead's development, giving her an apparent grand total of three appearances. Valve seems to have wanted to change Rochelle's appearance fairly early



Rochelle originally used an orange shirt during the E3 era as opposed to the trademark pink Depeche Mode Shirt used in the final release. She also had slightly darker jeans and boots, which were also used during this appearance.



Rochelle utilized Bill's animations as a placeholder until Valve gave Rochelle a unique animation set. While this doesn't feel realistic to the character, the execution of it made Rochelle look more tactically proficient.

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Rochelle's model utilized a slightly different hairstyle during the E3 demo. It was a lot longer and more of a ponytail-like design. This makes Rochelle the only survivor with a 3D model difference between builds.




Valve Preview Design


Loading Screen

Rochelle's current in-game user interface still presents the character with the E3 appearance. Her longer hairstyle can also be seen in her character portrait and main menu game mode panels.

It wasn't until a London Left 4 Dead 2 Preview event took place that Valve showed Rochelle with the pink Depeche Mode shirt to reflect the proper loading screen appearance. Rochelle displays a unique hairstyle here.

The loading screen encompasses Rochelle in her second phase design (i.e. Depeche Mode with longer hair). This is despite what is reflected in actual E3 demo gameplay.

Did You Know

Rochelle was the first survivor to receive a public overhaul after Left 4 Dead 2's announcement. Her pink shirt was first revealed in the Parish Campaign loading screen but was not shown in-game until Valve's London preview demo. This second appearance is reflected in all Left 4 Dead 2 advertising moving forward.


© 2025 Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Restoration Project, by Sourcerer.

Left 4 Dead 2 and any original game assets owned by Valve Software (no official affiliation)

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