Hello all,
I am a new member of the Beta Pack Team Group, my main specialties are coding, debugging, and working out the Hammer Editor. Moreover, and more importantly i would say is that, Version 2.5 has been finalized and will be releasing on the Workshop.
These links here will lead you to a video we created showing off the work so far as well as a video showing what has been added this patch:
Xenon -Scar angle -Restored Scar cord -Scar shading fix -Fixed SMG Jiggle Bones

Rise -Small Boommette Spawn Error -Pre-TLS Weapon Shaders/Shiny Weapon Fix
Klone -E3 styled talker script
Cuba -Rochelle retail animations -Rochelle retail view models (bracelets) -E3 Frying Pan Hit Animations
Gigan -Scar ammo reduced from 60 to 50
These links here will lead you to a video we created showing off the work so far as well as a video showing what has been added to this patch:
Watch out for chargers,
Gryphus, Map Designer