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The Charger

Horrifically mutated, the Charger uses its oversized arm to its advantage, serving as an infected battering ram. The Charger is an effective class for scattering Survivors who play as a tight unit, separating them for attack.



As opposed to the final release, the Charger was overall tougher, utilizing higher defensive stats and lesser cooldown time on his engage tools.



Charger's previous attack animations involve him trampling over survivors and extending reach for a grab to pummel them into the ground.



The majority of the Charger's sound effects were removed in favor of more consistent voices. The E3 Charger sounds showcase a more destructive personality. Hear more of his sounds here.



Charger's E3 gameplay shows how he can trample into the survivors and select a different target at his own will. The charge and pummel were scripted to be two separate attacks., therefore giving the Infected a more fatal engage.



The Charger was the only marketed infected at the time of the initial E3 Demo release and shown in the E3 Teaser Trailer. Valve employee Interviews explain how this Charger's playstyle could have easily remained in the final product.


Concept Designs

Based on game files and developer commentary, the Charger had a series of concepts before Valve settled on the current appearance. While the playstyle may have changed, the 3D model design has not.

Did You Know

Prior to the E3 Demo showcase, the Charger was confirmed to have a placeholder model until its design was complete. This temporary appearance used a Left 4 Dead 1 Hunter model with a retextured sweater. To this day, there is no footage of this 3D model in action.


© 2025 Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Restoration Project, by Sourcerer.

Left 4 Dead 2 and any original game assets owned by Valve Software (no official affiliation)

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