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Music and Sounds

The E3 demo used a handful of sounds and musical themes that were altered or completely unused. See below for a library consisting of these items.

The Beta Parish Horde - Music

The Beta Parish used unique horde music with more southern-inspired and pronounced violin and snare drum instruments. It is believed that this music changed in subsequent builds due to its overly apparent take on its surrounding New Orleans atmosphere. The final version concentrates the instruments and adjusts their tones to better-indistinct themselves, but not enough to take away from the atmosphere.

This theme was played during any major horde alert on both levels in the demo. However, it is most notoriously played during the alarm section of Parish Campaign level 2.

See the video for a demonstration.

Dock and Safe Room - Music

While the E3 demo used the same Parish dock music in the retail game, the same soundtrack also acted as the saferoom theme placeholder until Left 4 Dead 2's remixed saferoom theme was later developed.

See the beginning of the footage here to show a demonstration.

Main Menu Music - Theory

While it is difficult to fully confirm due to limited amounts of footage, it is believed that there was no main menu theme at the time of the E3 demo (this modification is reflected in the Beta Pack project).







This may be of similarity to the predecessor's Xbox 360 console version, as well as its corresponding Game of The Year Edition, where a menu soundtrack was not used. If music was available during the E3 demo, it is believed that the original PC exclusive Left 4 Dead menu soundtrack would be used as a placeholder.


See the video for a demonstration

Unused Charger Voices - Sound Library

Charger Lurk 18
00:00 / 00:01
Charger Lurk 16Valve
00:00 / 00:00
Charger Spotprey 3
00:00 / 00:01
Charger Spotprey 2
00:00 / 00:01
Charger Spotprey 1
00:00 / 00:02
Temporary Charger Sounds
00:00 / 00:36
Charger Sound Changes
00:00 / 01:53

Being that it was the first of the newly introduced Special Infected, the Charger utilized many different voices in all previous builds. The final release of the game still managed to export its files with unused Charger voices still amongst them. Despite that, these unused sounds are not the same voices commonly heard in the E3 build and voices specifically heard in the E3 build are unfortunately not present in the game files. You may listen to some Charger voices in the sound library or in the videos below.


For additional reference, you may also listen to the developer commentary nodes or see the Charger Betapedia Page here.

Did You Know

Interestingly enough, this Parish Beta Horde theme soundtrack was reported to also be used in early Swamp Fever testing, thereby making the song a universal placeholder item across the campaigns. It is unclear if Valve planned, during early play testing, that they wanted a unique soundtrack to represent each campaign. Regardless, the end result it is unlike its predecessor.

l4d2 eta ss4.jpg

© 2025 Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Restoration Project, by Sourcerer.

Left 4 Dead 2 and any original game assets owned by Valve Software (no official affiliation)

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